Download your documents
Medical Documents

Before completing the steps below, please book a consult with HelloMD by clicking here: Book a Consult

Step 1: Download & complete one (1) of the following forms based on the scenario that describes you best:

I live in my own residence and want my products shipped to that residence

Download Shared Residence Form

I would like to have my products shipped to my medical professional

Download Medical Professional Form

I already have a Registration Certificate issued by the Ministry

Download Existing Registration Form

Step 2: If you have already completed a consult with HelloMD, continue to the next step. Otherwise, download & complete this form with your Medical Professional:

Health Care Practitioner Information


Step 3: Download & complete this form:

Consent to Disclose Personal Health Information


Step 4: Create your account & upload all completed documents:

Create your Customer Profile here

Once your Customer Profile has been created:

Log In to your account, Navigate to the tab called 'My Profile'. Click the Edit button on the right-hand side of the screen, fill in all required fields, upload all completed documents, then click 'Submit'.